Stop forgetting important references, talking points, and transition segues. Start producing a more meticulous, organized, and consistent show with PodcastStudio Pro.
Whether you’re starting a brand new podcast or using PodcastStudio Pro on an existing podcast, creating your podcast takes only a few seconds, including adding your cover art and choosing your season and starting episode number.
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Choose a Template For Each Episode
Not every episode is the same, so start at the Overview board and pick a template for your episodes from the eight most common types: Roundtable, Freestyle, Co-Host, Scripted Fiction, Solo Host, Interview, Listener Q&A, or Tutorial. Plus you can customize each one or create your own template. It’s all you!
Plan as many episodes in advance as you want
Light up your Overview board like a Christmas tree as PodcastStudio Pro gives you a look at multiple episode templates.
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Add cards for each beat, question, and moment of your Podcast
Choose your episode, open it on the Episode board, and start creating note cards for each beat and moment of your podcast. Now you have a plan you can follow and adjust on the fly if you’d like. All editing is non-destructive, so change your mind and rearrange your cards until you’re completely satisfied.
Instead, as you create your show in Podcast Studio Pro, your show notes are created in real time.
That means your show notes are no longer something you worry about on release day, they are instead being created for you automatically as you keep your focus where it belongs: production.
Want to see PodcastStudio Pro™ in action?
Check out our short demo that covers all the basics…and then some!
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