PodcastStudio Pro

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'Winging it' is a Very bad way to make a good podcast

That's why we Created PodcastStudio Pro

Professional podcasters all have something in common: they plan each podcast episode carefully.

PodcastStudio Pro™ is the only web-based app for podcasters that helps you plan and organize your entire podcast, episode by episode, season by season, with customizable templates based on the most popular podcasts people love to listen to.

Designed by the same gear-heads who developed WritersRoom Pro® – the industry standard for professional TV show development – PodcastStudio Pro™ gives you a customizable roadmap for each episode whether your podcast is fiction, non-fiction, scripted, solo, interview, or a hybrid.


'Winging it' is a Very bad way to make a good podcast

That's why we Created PodcastStudio Pro

Professional podcasters all have something in common: they plan each podcast episode carefully.

PodcastStudio Pro is the only web-based app for podcasters that helps you plan and organize your entire podcast, episode by episode, season by season, with customizable templates based on the most popular podcasts people love to listen to.

Designed by the same gear-heads who developed WritersRoom Pro® – the industry standard for professional TV show development – PodcastStudio Pro gives you a customizable roadmap for each episode whether your podcast is fiction, non-fiction, scripted, solo, interview, or a hybrid.


How does PodcastStudio Pro make your podcast better?

It all starts with a Plan

Your podcast needs to be as unique and special as you are. Use PodcastStudio Pro to plan out a whole season (or month or year) of your podcast in broadstrokes.  After that you can drill down into each episode and fill out your topics, your questions, your guests, your sponsors, your music…everything.  Finally either keep PodcastStudio Pro open for reference as you record your podcast or download your show notes to Word, PDF, or even script format to use during your show.

How does PodcastStudio Pro make your podcast better?

It all starts with a Plan

Your podcast needs to be as unique and special as you are. Use PodcastStudio Pro to plan out a whole season (or month or year) of your podcast in broadstrokes.  After that you can drill down into each episode and fill out your topics, your questions, your guests, your sponsors, your music…everything.  Finally either keep PodcastStudio Pro open for reference as you record your podcast or download your show notes to Word, PDF, or even script format to use during your show.

Just some of our features

Selectable Templates

Choose a tested template for each episode from the eight most common types: roundtable, freestyle, co-host, fully scripted, solo host, interview, listener Q&A, and tutorial.

Drag & Drop

Move cards, rearrange cards, re order them. PodcastStudio Pro gives you complete control over your ideas until you're ready to share them with your audience.

Non-Destructive Editing

Every idea, change, note, and question is stored forever. Roll back to any point in time.

Remote Collaboration

With the Partner edition, you can add a second user so you can work together remotely with your co-host or producer. The Teams and Studio editions gives you from 2 to unlimited simultaneous users .

Output to Word, PDF, and Google Docs

Output the contents of your episodes to .rtf, .pdf, or (if you're doing a scripted drama) even to popular screenwriting programs like Final Draft.

Multi-device capable.

PodcastStudio Pro looks great on laptops, desktops, and tablets. It even works on smartphones so you can plan your show from anywhere.

Search all Past Episodes

Want to make sure you're not repeating a question or story? Quickly search the contents of your cards to make sure each episode is unique.

More Features Coming!

Monetize your content, output to teleprompters, keep a database of all guest contact information...all of these are on our roadmap.

Just some of our features

Selectable Templates

Choose a tested template for each episode from the eight most common types: roundtable, freestyle, co-host, fully scripted, solo host, interview, listener Q&A, and tutorial.

Drag & Drop

Move cards, rearrange cards, re order them. PodcastStudio Pro gives you complete control over your ideas until you're ready to share them with your audience.

Non-Destructive Editing

Every idea, change, note, and question is stored forever. Roll back to any point in time.

Remote Collaboration

With the Partner edition, you can add a second user so you can work together remotely with your co-host or producer. The Team, Team+, and Studio editions gives you from 10 to unlimited simultaneous users .

Output to Word, PDF, and Google Docs

Output the contents of your episodes to .rtf, .pdf, or (if you're doing a scripted drama) even to popular screenwriting programs like Final Draft.

Multi-device capable.

PodcastStudio Pro looks great on laptops, desktops, and tablets. It even works on smartphones so you can plan your show from anywhere.

Search all Past Episodes

Want to make sure you're not repeating a question or story? Quickly search the contents of your cards to make sure each episode is unique.

More Features Coming!

Monetize your content, output to teleprompters, record natively inside the app, access music libraries, and even publish to the most popular podcast services. All of these are on our roadmap.

Presenting a Workflow that Works

Presenting a Workflow that Works

Start by creating your podcast

Whether you’re starting a brand new podcast or using PodcastStudio Pro on an existing podcast, creating your podcast takes only a few seconds, including adding your cover art and choosing your season and starting episode number.

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Whether you’re starting a brand new podcast or using PodcastStudio Pro on an existing podcast, creating your podcast takes only a few seconds, including adding your cover art and choosing your season and starting episode number.

Start By Creating Your Podcast

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Click to enlarge

See all Your Podcasts on One Dashboard

All your podcasts are available from your own podcast dashboard.

See all Your Podcasts on One Dashboard

Click to enlarge

All your podcasts are available from your own podcast dashboard.

Choose a Template For Each Episode

Not every episode is the same, so start at the Overview board and pick a template for your episodes from the eight most common types: Roundtable, Freestyle, Co-Host, Scripted Fiction, Solo Host, Interview, Listener Q&A, or Tutorial.  Plus you can customize each one or create your own template.  It’s all you!

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Choose a Template For Each Episode

Click to enlarge

Not every episode is the same, so start at the Overview board and pick a template for your episodes from the eight most common types: Roundtable, Freestyle, Co-Host, Scripted Fiction, Solo Host, Interview, Listener Q&A, or Tutorial.  Plus you can customize each one or create your own template.  It’s all you!

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Plan as many episodes in advance as you want

Light up your Overview board like a Christmas tree as PodcastStudio Pro gives you a look at multiple episode templates.

Plan as many episodes in advance as you want

Click to enlarge

Light up your Overview board like a Christmas tree as PodcastStudio Pro gives you a look at multiple episode templates.

Add cards for each beat, question, and moment of your Podcast

Choose your episode, open it on the Episode board, and start creating note cards for each beat and moment of your podcast.  Now you have a plan you can follow and adjust on the fly if you’d like.  All editing is non-destructive, so change your mind and rearrange your cards until you’re completely satisfied.

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Add cards for each beat, question, and moment of your Podcast

Click to enlarge

Choose your episode, open it on the Episode board, and start creating note cards for each beat and moment of your podcast.  Now you have a plan you can follow and adjust on the fly if you’d like.  All editing is non-destructive, so change your mind and rearrange your cards until you’re completely satisfied.d

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Have ideas that don't have a home yet?

Use the Note board to track random ideas, general notes, guest information, or anything you might want for a future podcast.  When you’re ready, drag the cards from the Note board to wherever you want them.

Have ideas that don't have a home yet?

Click to enlarge

Use the Note board to track random ideas, general notes, guest information, or anything you might want for a future podcast.  When you’re ready, drag the cards from the Note board to wherever you want them.

it's time To Record! Keep your cards open on screen or Download your Cards to Word, Google Docs, or PDF

Download and share you episode structure with your co-host, producer, editor, or whomever you’d like.

Click to enlarge

it's time To Record! Keep your cards open on screen or Download your Cards to Word, Google Docs, or PDF

Click to enlarge

Download and share you episode structure with your co-host, producer, editor, or whomever you’d like.

what our Podcast Pros have to say

we love them, and they love us

Choose Your Plan

*Introductory pricing only. Prices subject to change
All subscriptions include a 14 day free trial